orange nails

Those little battery fans have become really popular these days because they’re so much easier to power than they used to be. Many are rechargeable or can be powered by a cord connected to your laptop.

They come in handy for so many other reasons than just keeping you cool, though, and the more you use one, the more of these extra uses you’ll come across.

Here are my top 8:

  1. Repel Bugs: I love spending time on my patio at night but the flies are horrific during the day and at night it’s a battle with mosquitos. Sometimes I use my fan just to blow the bugs away from me. As long as the blades of my fan product a stronger air flow than the wings of any bug then I’m in good shape.
  2. Dry Your Clothes: Sorry, but I’m a slob. I often wonder if I’ve forgotten how to eat or swallow water. As a mom, maybe I spent too much time monitoring the food take of others and have just neglected myself. Regardless, I will spill something on myself if we go out to eat or if I try to drink something in the car. Now, I can whip out my little fan and help my clothing dry more quickly than just waiting it out.
  3. Keep Cool in the Car: When we first moved to Arizona we had a car that did not have AC. When June hit, riding in that car was absolutely miserable. We used small fans to keep ourselves cool until we were in a position to trade it in and get a new one.
  4. Improve Air Quality: Have you ever had to sit someplace where the air smelled or was filled with dust particles? Every now and then I’ll sit in my dad’s garage while he’s spray painting some patio furniture to give it a makeover. He’ll open the garage doors when he’s doing this but the smell can still be pretty strong for me. I can use my small fan to blow the fumes away and that can make the air a bit easier to breathe.
  5. Share with Company from Out of Town: We have lots of family and friends that come to visit and most of them are unequipped to handle our higher temperatures. I keep a set of small battery fans on hand just for friends and family to use during their visit.
  6. Dry Your Nail Polish: I love to do my own nails but I don’t have those little machines that you stick your hands in to help the nails dry faster. Instead, I’ll hold them in front of my little fan or I’ll take turns holding it pointed at one hand and then the other. I’m not sure it does much but it at least keeps me busy while I wait for the nail polish to fully dry.
  7. Create a White Noise Machine: We go to visit my in-laws up north at least once a month. The noises at their house are different than ours and that sometimes makes it harder for me to sleep. I’ll pull out my little battery fan and have it run next to me on the nightstand to generate white noise. I then usually have no problem falling asleep.

If you’ve got one of these little fans I hope you’ll see now that there are other ways to use it to your advantage. Are there any helpful uses you’ve found that aren’t listed here? If so, I’d love to hear!

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